I made this blog to keep up in one place all the Magic the Gathering custom cards I invent and make using a software called Magic Set Editor.
Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering and it's respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in
the U.S.A. and other countries.
I am in no way connected or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast and all the images I use for the cards are owned not by me but by their respective right holders.
If in any situation you are a legal proprietor of the rights of any image or anything else I used in making this cards, please contact me and I will gladly remove any of that material from this blog.
I make this cards as a hobbie and not with the intention of gaining any income from them, it's a free tribute in it's way to things I like and enjoy (like Magic the Gathering, movies and TV series, books and comic books, and others) and I thought I might share them in here for whoever is interested.
Also I would love some comments and suggestions, I lack the creativity and to be honest knowledge (haven't played Magic the Gathering for many years now) to make some cards more faithful to it's own real counterpart (ex: characters, objects, events, locations, etc), and also if you find an image that you think would fit a card better than the ones I used, feel free to tell me and I will be happy to make a card using that image for you or you can even suggest an entire new card or changes to abilities to an already existing card I made, I will be happy to make those changes or new cards for you.
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